Judy Speaks...
Judy motivates dialysis patients
Judy speaks to new kidney patients at a National Kidney Foundation seminar on March 8, 2014 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on the merits of hemodialysis, and other matters.
Judy speaks to Nephrologists
Judy describes her history on dialysis as it impacts her lifelong commitment to patient empowerment, in an eloquent plea for more physician mentoring of and partnering with patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD.) Recorded at Caesar's Palace , Las Vegas NV on January 22, 2014. Peter Kotanko, M.D. and Chris McIntyre, M.D. do the introductions.
Golden Pine Cone Philosophy of Life
The Golden Pine Cone award is an honor which reflects my life philosophy. Here I talk about it's meaning in the small and big picture.

On May 12, 2015, Judy was interviewed by Lori Hartwell on Kidney Talk on the Renal Support Network. Her philosophy, projects and etc etc were discussed. Following is a link to the podcast, so you can hear it for yourself:
Click HERE.